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Programs We Offer

Our Full-Day Programs, Toddlers' and Children's House, focus on the Montessori curriculum. Here the students are engaged in a full day of learning in our "prepared environment" which consist of Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math and Cultural. The classroom is designed to appeal to the child. Furniture is child-sized, lessons within reach. This aids in the facilitation of the child's independence and development. The students are presented with opportunities to explore, become independent and make decisions. The teacher is the link between the child and the materials and guides the child towards constructive exploration. Here, self-control is developed, and concepts are perfected and mastered. Hours for our full day programs are 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

The Transitional Before School Program operates from 6:00 - 8:30 a.m. This program is available to our full day Montessori students as well as students from our local area schools. When students are enrolled in this program, they may engage in Montessori activities/lessons and/or other child friendly games. During morning transition, the school age children are escorted to their designated school and the full day students begin their work cycle.

The Transitional After School Program operates from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. This program is available to our full day Montessori students as well as students from our local area schools. Students enter into either Program I (3-5 years old) or Program II (6-12 years old). Students in Program I have the benefit of interacting with Montessori activities and lessons. Our Program II students have opportunities to benefit from our homework sessions and tutorial programs.

For an adventurous summer, you would want to be a part of NMA's Summer Program. The program operates from mid-June through the end of August. Students experience 9 weeks of educational fun-filled sessions. Our students engage in swimming, summer reading programs, movies, sports, and

so much more.

Each program offers our students nutritional approved meals (Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy prohibit discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability). Our full day students benefit from family style dining, table setting activities, and lessons in grace and courteous.

"The Real Preparation for Education is the Study of One's Self"

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